Train Wreck Comedy presents A Very Nutty New Year comedy show at Lakesider Brewing in West Kelowna, featuring the one and only Tim Nutt – a comedic wizard who has been getting away with telling funny stories with jokes for over two decades!
Tim Nutt
West Kelowna, BC
Tim Nutt takes comedy to another stratosphere, expertly navigating the bizarre and twisted corners of everyday life. He’s not just your average joke-teller; he’s a comedy adventurer with an intergalactic talent for making you burst into laughter. Picture Billy Connolly and George Carlin morphed into one extraordinary comedic force, and you’ll get a glimpse of the comedic powerhouse that is Tim Nutt.
His comedic adventures have taken him to comedy festivals across the globe, from the historic Edinburgh Comedy Festival to Montreal’s famous JUST FOR LAUGHS, and from Halifax’s HA! Comedy Festival to The Winnipeg Comedy Festival – this guy has conquered them all.
You’re in for a treat as Tim weaves his unique point of view into a performance that is both captivating and side-splitting. Brace yourself for a journey through his hilarious concepts and twisted viewpoints, served up with a dash of extra-planetary talent.
So, mark your calendars and gather your friends for a comedy experience like no other. Get ready to laugh, chuckle, and guffaw the night away with Tim Nutt’s explosive comedy that will leave you in stitches. Don’t miss this chance to witness a masterful storyteller and entertainer in action – it’s a night you won’t soon forget! And remember, laughter is the best medicine, so let’s prescribe ourselves a hefty dose of Tim Nutt’s comedic brilliance! See you there!
- Winnipeg Comedy Festival
- Just For Laughs – Montreal
- Just For Laughs – Toronto
- Halifax Comedy Festival
- Just For Laughs Road Show
- Just For Laughs National Tour ’06
- Hubcap Comedy Festival
- Cat’s Laugh Kilkenny Festival
- St. John’s Comedy Festival
- Comedy Now
- Stand Up in Kandahar (CBC)
A Very Nutty New Year
Featuring Tim Nutt
Lakesider Brewing
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
$40 Per Ticket